Resources included are as follows:
Information pack, detailing the history of robots, common robots, robots of the future etc,
Photos of robots, photos of famous robots, key word cards, picture buntings, letters bunting, long banner, large letters for head wall display, patterned and plain display borders, backing paper, large and extra large labels, A4 robot images for display, resources sack tag, colour posters
Alphabet flashcards and mats, number flashcards, table top number line, times tables posters / mats, shapes posters, days of the week flashcards, certificates, reward charts.
Robot face masks, hand puppets.
Writing frames, picture frame, sentence writing sheets, acrostic poem, all about robot booklet to complete, can / have / are writing task, colouring pages, draw a robot, invitation to create, mind map, story board, size order task, poem to read, word search, words beginning with r worksheet, character flashcards for writing tasks, writing booklet cover, name the shapes poster, cut and stick scissor work sheet, colour the shapes activity, horrible habits design task, robot criminal writing task, write a robot love story, card matching game, bingo game.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF AND PPT files for you to print.
A range display materials for the Food Technology area or classroom.
A4 lettering, spelling Food Technology in food decorated letters as shown in the cover picture.
White board sign – subject title, method, ingredients, utensils labels to prep for practical lessons.
Drawer and cupboard labels for utensils to make items easier for pupils to find.
A5 fruit photos for display with matching words, could also be used as a matching game
A5 vegetable photos for display with matching words, could also be used as a matching game
Curriculum sign
Targets sign
Fridge and freezer labels to label temperatures and locations for items such as raw meats etc
Resources included are as follows:
20 PDF files for you to print.
A range of 16 A4 posters, each showing a different way to reduce the expenses of shopping. These include topics such as buying special offers, buying in bulk, not buying prepared food, shopping around etc. each poster gives prices of products and the possible savings a person could make.
10 tasks are included such as researching food prices, looking for food around the home, looking into food storage and use by dates etc
Display materials include title lettering, heading long banner, numbers with money pattern, punctuation including pound signs, buntings, shop logos, price tickets, background and display border.
Other resources include a food/budget diary, word search, topic summary sheet, coins to use for activities etc.
Resources included are as follows:
•Story presentation – retelling he story.
•Face masks in black and white and colour. Hand puppets, story props,
•A4 topic title page, long banner to head wall display, large lettering for title, alphabet flashcards on fruit, fruit names and pictures word cards, fruit photo flashcards, fruit name cards, fruit picture posters, healthy eating lettering, story sack tag, display borders and backing paper if needed.
•Character writing sheets, all about fruit writing booklet, acrostic poem, thought and speech bubbles, character colouring pages, fruit colouring pages, describe favourite part of story, draw fruit salad, filling in missing words, create a poster, smoothie recipes, draw a fruit tree, food diary, speaking and listening task, anagram worksheets,, make a collage, make a mobile craft activity, fill in the speech bubbles, mind map, reward chart, healthy lunch box task, seed labels, writing practice sheets, labels, memory pairs cards, seed packets to make, Story board to write, story sequencing cut and stick, quiz, bingo game, walking task, word mat, memory challenge, menu template or other literacy resources
•Red apples counting rhyme, Counting cards, sharing worksheets, number flashcards,, odd and even flashcards, counting in groups worksheets, money tasks for fruit shop, counting fruit lesson starter, subtraction game.
Resources included are as follows:
Lots of signs to display for the bake sale, including advertisement signs, posters, different cake signs, times, price lists, menus, price cards, buntings and banners, drinks sign direction signs, competition signs and many more.
Lots of planning activities and writing for purpose worksheets to help plan the event and keep children focused as well as activities and tasks to complete after the event.
This is a lovely pack for any school or class planning a cake sale to raise funds for their school or for a specific charity with everything you will need before, during and after the day.
This great range of 200 food photo flashcards are A5 size with glossy high resolution images and food names. The food items included are from all food categories for example - fruit and vegetables, carbohydrates, dairy, proteins etc and also include some images of meals to discuss healthy diets.
There are also 150 food terms flashcards with a large food word and a brief explanation.
Use these flashcards to display around the room, for great sorting activities and for healthy eating discussions.
Resources include:
1.Long banners spelling ‘Building site’ and ‘construction site’
2.Extra large lettering to head display
3.Patterned and plain backing paper to use for display if needed.
4.Display border to edge wall display
5.Danger keep out long sign and A4 sign
6.10 multicultural face masks and hard hats to use for role play
7.Builder hand puppets
8.Colouring pages
9.Under construction sign
10.Work in progress sign and workman sign
11.Signs to use around the role play area, including: apology for maintenance work, warning, site entrance caution, danger construction site, digger
12.Fire exit, first aid, gloves to be worn, hard hats to be worn, high visibility jacket to be worn, keep out, visitors to reception, site entrance this way, wear boots sign etc
13.Site safety sign
14.Write for purpose sheets including design sheet, ideas sheet, inspection log, jobs to do list, customer feedback form, stock order form, message pad, sketch sheet, telephone bookings log etc
15.Role play badges
16.Resources folder and spine labels, drawer label
17.Resources sack tag
18.Extra large picture to use as props in role play
19.Key word cards with pictures
20.Machinery pictures
21.Extra large questions to display around role play area such as ‘What material do we need?’
22.Writing booklet cover to keep pupils project work together
Resources included are as follows:
PDF AND PPT files for you to print.
Sugar information pack discussing what sugar is, where it comes from, different names, foods with high added sugar etc.
70 A4 posters showing different foods with their calories content, sugar in grams and sugar in teaspoons. Foods include: cereals, cereal bars, desserts, breads, cakes, canned foods, sauces, chocolate bars, biscuits, condiments, jams, crisps, fruits tinned and dried, ice creams, yoghurts, ready meals.
Photo pack of foods, sugar plants etc.
Words flashcards – 42 cards showing different words for sugar that can be found on food labels.
Acrostic poem to complete, food diary, all about sugar booklet to fill in, mind map, sugar research task, word search, writing frames, sugar booklet cover to make into project, sentence writing sheet, shopping list to complete, tinned food drawing activity.
Display materials including borders, backing paper, large lettering and long banner to head wall display, sack tag.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF AND PPT files for you to print.
Sugar information pack discussing what sugar is, where it comes from, different names, foods with high added sugar, drinks with high sugar etc.
50 A4 posters showing different drinks with their calories content, sugar in grams and sugar in teaspoons.
Drinks sorting card activity to put them in order of best to worst.
Drinks comparison posters showing several similar drinks to compare and discuss.
Poster showing top 10 worst drinks.
Photo pack of foods, drinks, sugar plants etc.
Healthy snacks posters.
Acrostic poem to complete, food diary, all about sugar booklet to fill in, mind map, sugar research task, word search, writing frames, sugar booklet cover to make into project.
Display materials including borders, backing paper, large lettering and long banner to head wall display, sack tag.
Resources included are as follows:
50 PDF OR PPT files for you to print.
Chocolate information pack – covering the history of chocolate, how it is grown, where it is grown etc
Photo pack of all stages of chocolate making, fact cards for reading or display, key word cards, chocolate bar wrapper photos, useful images for display, long banner, large lettering, backing paper for if needed, display borders, fair trade facts poster, fair trade logo, set of sequencing cards to put in order, folder cover, resources sack tag, poem poster, word mat, top 20 cacao producing countries table poster.
Continents maps for each continent where cacao is grown, outline maps of all continents, map flashcards of 30 countries that grow cacao, 30 flags from all countries.
Bingo game, 15 geography writing tasks for research all relating to the top 10 countries for chocolate production, make a presentation, all about chocolate booklet to complete, design a chocolate bar, draw a cacao tree, draw a box of chocolates, reward chart, mind map, noun and adjectives worksheet, colouring pages, ‘a day in the life’ writing task, acrostic poem to complete, can/have/are writing sheet, food miles research task and information, word search, writing border, writing booklet cover, sentence writing sheet for topic conclusion, story board template, door hanger to design, true or false quiz.
Resources included are as follows:
Story presentation – retelling he story.
Face masks in black and white and colour. Hand puppets, story props, vegetable name cards with pictures and words, vegetable word cards, days of the week word cards, days sorting cards
A4 topic title page, long banner to head wall display, extra large title lettering, display borders and backing paper if needed, alphabet flashcards, number flashcards, odd and even flashcards, healthy eating long banner, vegetables photos flashcards, harvest photo flashcards, topic word flashcards, story sack, word mat
Food diary, character descriptions to write, addition game, hand puppet to make, thought and speech bubbles, character colouring pages, create a poster, draw a veggie patch, describe your favourite part of the story, draw a meal, filling in the missing words sheet, fill in the speech bubbles, flower pot craft activity, veg bingo game, garden sums shopping activity, vegetables pictures and words matching cards, make a healthy and unhealthy lunchbox, healthy choices game, I like this story because…, seed labels for growing vegetables, seed packets to make, large labels, make a photo frame, make a presentation, anagrams, mind map, nuns and adjectives worksheet, quiz, writing sheets, writing booklet cover, writing borders and sheets, word search, story board and other resources.
A bumper pack of 100 FOOD lesson starters, activities and games to help you create exciting and engaging lessons…for use in schools or at home.
These activities and games are great fun for children between the ages of 10 and 16 and can be used individually, in pairs or in groups.
They encourage thinking and learning throughout and can be used with or without adult supervision.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF files for you to print.
A range of over 200 A5 flashcards of food from around the world, covering the following countries:
United Kingdom
Also includes A4 flags from each country and the country name for display.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF files for you to print.
70 A4 posters showing different fruits and vegetables. Each poster has a photo of the food and some basic information about them.
12 A4 Posters showing each vitamin from A-K; explaining the benefits of the vitamin, the issues caused by not having enough of it, and the food that it can be found in.
Photo pack of fruits and vegetables.
6 smoothie recipes, A4 size.
Acrostic poem to complete, food diary, all about fruit and veg booklet to fill in, mind map, research task, 2 word searches, writing frames, writing booklet cover to make into project, sentence writing sheet, shopping list to complete, vitamins food planning task, make a mobile, make a collage, pass the fruit game.
Display materials including borders, backing paper, large lettering to spell ‘fruit and vegetables’, decorated letters with a fruit a veg design to spell ‘5 per day’, long banner to head wall display, sack tag.
A bumper pack of OVER 100 FOOD activities, starters and games to help you create exciting and engaging lessons…for use in schools or at home.
These activities and games are great fun for children between the ages of 4 and 12 and can be used individually, in pairs or in groups.
They encourage thinking and learning throughout and can be used with or without adult supervision.
Resources included are as follows:
Pdf file for you to print
30 A5 flashcards of foods and drinks associated with a traditional Christmas, such as turkey, stuffing, sprouts, parsnips, fruit cake etc.